Monthly Archives: January 2013

#HCLDR Chat – Jan 29 2013 – Workplace Conflict

Five Keys of Dealing with Workplace Conflict We have heard from several members of our community and they reported #HCLDR chat was especially helpful this past week. I thought the tweets were fast, valuable and the conversation was rich. Thanks to Colin for choosing the topic of “Priorities” and for all the planning he put […]

#HCLDR Chat – Jan 22 2013 – Priorities

Each  January I fight the urge to write down 50 New Year’s resolutions. When I was young, I actually wrote down that many. Of course, I never lived up to all of them. In fact I never accomplished more than 10 at most. Over the years I’ve managed to keep my resolutions to just a […]

#HCLDR Chat – Jan 15 2013 – In Praise of Praise II

On December 17, 2012 during our healthcare leadership tweet chat we explored a remarkable Gallup Business Journal Post In Praise of Praising your Employees written by Jennifer Robins. Jennifer Robins believes the need for employee recognition is related to the chemical dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain. She reports: “Recognition for good work releases […]

#HCLDR Chat – January 8th – Postponed

Happy New Year! Lisa and I hope all of you had a safe and wonderful holidays. Unfortunately both of us have caught something and are very ill at the moment. Neither of us feel that we would be doing #hcldr chat justice this week. So regretfully we are postponing #hcldr for one week. We plan […]