Monthly Archives: June 2013

July 2 Chat – Patriotism & Loyalty in Healthcare

The first week of July is a special time for both the US and Canada. In this one week, each country celebrates it’s formation – with Canada Day on July 1st and Independence Day on July 4th. It’s a time for BBQ’s, fireworks, being outdoors and wrapping ourselves up in our respective flags. In honour […]

June 25 Chat – Mindfulness at Work

So I would imagine like most of us in our community I’m trying to eat right, exercise, get enough hours of sleep and balance my work life with my personal life. Like so many things in medicine it sounds so easy but I’ll be frank it sure isn’t easy for me. We know we can […]

White House – Champions of Change

This past Thursday (June 20th, 2013) Colin and I were honored when @jackandraka invited us to see him and twelve other Leaders receive the White House Open Sciences “Champions of Change.” Colin and I have posted some Tweets during this once in a lifetime event and I’ll also post a visual transcript of this remarkable […]

June 18 Chat – Good People (Redux)

Due to extreme Twitter slowness on May 21, 2013 we were not able to hold our #HCLDR  tweetchat. The topic that day was supposed to be “Good People”. There was a lot of interest in discussing this topic so we’re going to try again this week. The background information for this chat can be found […]

June 11 Chat – Open mike with Jack Andraka

Hello Everyone. We’re excited to have Jack Andraka return to #HCLDR as our special guest. If you aren’t familiar with Jack or his innovative work, check out the blog post from Feb 19, 2013 Also, take a look at these wonderful posts from our friend Patricia Andreson (@pfanderson) about Jack and his work: Young Genius […]

June 4 Chat – What if healthcare has it all wrong?

Introduction by Lisa Fields (@PracitcalWisdom) Amy Berman. RN is one of the most respected and beloved health care leaders. She shares her dedication and passion for improving health care for older adults as a Senior Program Officer with The John A. Hartford Foundation. Susannah Fox, in her Twitter bio, shares this wonderful descriptive term: Community […]