Monthly Archives: July 2022

Positive Thinking – The Right Choice?

Blog by Joe Babaian Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.  ~Omar Khayyam For some, the only way to live is to be relentlessly positive; for others, the drive to see things as they are manifests itself in a running commentary that includes all storm clouds. Is there a benefit to choosing one […]

Healthcare Facilities of the Future

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been thinking about the design of healthcare facilities given our new reality of pandemics, climate disasters, and mass-casualty events. Is there a better way to design healthcare facilities to accommodate for these types of events? Add to this, the care-at-home movement and suddenly large hospital campuses begin to look […]

Collaboration Matters

Blog by Joe Babaian Let’s think about what it means to work together. We all do it almost every day and I’d venture a guess that we all have experienced varying levels of quality in these collaborations. To formalize it a bit, let’s think of authentic collaboration. Here’s a personal story that I have just […]

Do Doctors Need to Do More Than Provide Great Patient Care?

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to listen to a short presentation from Dr. Katharine Smart @KatharineSmart, President of the Canadian Medical Association. During her presentation she made a strong case that physicians of the future will be more tech, data, and social media savvy than ever before – mostly because they will […]