
HCLDR is a strong and vibrant online community of people who all share a passion for improving healthcare – through technology, processes and education. Our community includes patients, physicians, nurses, CEOs, IT folks, caregivers, policy makers and students from countries such as Canada, USA, Philippines, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK and South Africa.

Everhcldry Tuesday at 8:30pm Eastern time (GMT-5), the HCLDR community gathers for a weekly tweetchat where we discuss a healthcare related topic. In the days before the weekly chat, a blog is posted here on this website that provides background information and context for the discussion. Each post has the questions that will be discussed on the Tuesday chat.

HCLDR started in 2012. The original idea was to establish a “virtual space” where people who were passionate about healthcare could gather and discuss issues via social media. At the time, there wasn’t a chat dedicated to leadership challenges in healthcare nor was there a community that was suited for people who were healthcare leaders – both in title and in spirit.

HCLDR is open to anyone and everyone. It’s not just for healthcare executives. If you care about health, the care you or your loved ones receive or any aspect of the healthcare industry – then we consider you a healthcare leader and we hope that you will share your leadership with our community.

Since its launch in 2012 HCLDR has grown beyond its humble beginnings and has exceeded even the wildest expectations of its founders. The Tuesday chats now regularly attract 125+ participants and generate over 12 Million impressions each week. It has been an incredible journey – one of constant evolution and change.

Today, Colin Hung and Joe Babaian are custodians of the HCLDR Community and serve as Editors – writing and publishing the weekly articles that accompany the discussion topic.

You can reach them directly via email: [email protected] or [email protected]


JoeBabaian - WebPictureJoe Babaian (@JoeBabaian) – Co-Host and Editor
Joe Babaian is a Detroit native but found his way to Texas just as soon as he could. He is best known as co-moderator of #HCLDR along with his friend and partner, Colin Hung. Together, they’ve guided #HCLDR into one of the most successful and active social media communities in healthcare. Humbled every day by the passion and depth of the community, Joe works to support those new to healthcare social media and enjoys helping people find both their voice and tribe online.

Passionate about transforming healthcare via human connections and technology done right, Joe relies on his 20 years in the IT industry to serve as a foundation. Recognized as a #HIT100 influencer for 2016, he knows that strong personal connections and collaboration are the secret sauce to innovation. From helping design and launch a bespoke ERP system with a startup, to leading a team designing a nursing leadership institute in the Texas Medical Center, Joe continues searching for innovative “what’s next” (and what matters).

When he’s not burning the midnight oil on research and blog-writing or spending days pulling healthcare into the future, you’ll find him poolside cheering at one of the countless swim meets for his two kids.

An enthusiastic skier, he is happy that New Mexico and Colorado are adjacent to Texas. Joe holds an MBA in Strategic Management and lives with his wife and two children in Sugar Land, just outside of Houston.

ColinHung - WebPictureColin Hung (@Colin_Hung) – Co-Founder and Editor
Colin Hung has enjoyed a 20 year career in software and information technology, the last 10 years in the healthcare IT industry. He has helped to design and launch over a dozen health and healthcare related products including solutions for: infection control, risk management, claims processing, electronic health records, performance improvement, patient feedback and patient engagement.

Colin lives and works in his hometown of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is actively involved in the healthcare community. He not only hosts #hcldr, but is also a regular participant in #hcsmca and #HITsm tweetchats. As well, Colin is a member of Hacking Health, an organization dedicated to improving healthcare through collaborative innovation.

Colin helped to author the Taxonomy Monograph as part of ASHRMs Data for Safety Taxonomy Task Force, has participated in several overseas healthcare IT missions, been a keynote speaker at many patient safety/engagement conferences and is member of The Walking Gallery (http://reginaholliday.blogspot.ca/2011/04/walking-gallery.html). Colin holds a Bachelors of Applied Science (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Waterloo. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and is passionate about improving healthcare.

#HCLDR Advisors

The following people have graciously volunteered their time, energy and advice to the #HCLDR community. They have provided support and valuable guidance on numerous occasions.  Their selfless efforts have been a key factor in the community’s success.

Dr. Rasu Shrestha (@RasuShrestha)
Dr. Don S Dizon (@drdonsdizon)
Kate Donovan (@_The_Kate_D)
Dr. Rahul Nayak (@TeamMDrs)
Dr. Tom Varghese Jr. (@TomVargheseJr)
Dan Dunlop (@dandunlop)



  1. Patients are the beginning of the process for Health Care Leaders

  2. […] person. )If you aren’t familiar with the #HCLDR chat, I definitely suggest you check it out: https://hcldr.wordpress.com/about/.) Then last week I met with Anton Zuiker (@MisterSugar) whom I had previously only met at […]

  3. […] entrepreneur, professional live-tweeter, motivational speaker, facilitator and conflict resolver; Lisa Fields, the founder of Practical Wisdom, has built a community around connecting the value of Twitter and […]

  4. […] leadership in healthcare are currently happening through social media. For instance, through the Healthcare Leadership Blog, a tweetchat about healthcare leadership using the hashtag hcldr (#hcldr) takes place every […]

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