Monthly Archives: August 2018

What’s It Gonna Take to Get Real Security in Healthcare

Blog post by Nick van Terheyden, MD Last week I attended Blackhat and DefCon two of the biggest security conferences – the latter of these attended by a wide range of security people from both sides of the fence. While they are not healthcare focused there were many presentations centered on healthcare ranging from: Remote […]

The Changing Face of Medicine: Part Two

We are really excited for this week’s HCLDR chat. We welcome back a past host – Dr. Minerva Romero Arenas @minervies and the fantastic team from the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS). Dr. Arenas last hosted HCLDR in 2014 when we discussed the growing diversity in healthcare. A lot has happened since 2014. We are dealing […]

Automation vs Human Touch in Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung. Over the past few weeks I have had numerous discussions with healthcare entrepreneurs who are building products that are designed to automate processes that were once human-powered. These were all fascinating discussion, but it got me thinking about automation vs human touch in healthcare. Specifically, I wonder if there are […]