Monthly Archives: April 2019


For years I ignored podcasts. I’m not sure why I did, I just never got into it. But after I listening to EVERYONE around me, raving about their favorite podcast and how much they enjoyed listening to them, I decided to dive in. I asked for a few recommendations and I got hooked. Now, whenever […]

Ratings + Healthcare + Marketing

Tuesday April 16th is the eve of the 2019 Healthcare Marketing & IT Conference (HITMC19). Since the event is being held in Boston, we thought it would be fun to try and bring several communities together for a meetup/tweetup that coincides with the weekly #hcldr chat. If you are in Boston, here are the details […]

Authentic Listening in Healthcare

Blog post by Joe Babaian Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Steven Covey Is your doctor really present during your visit? – Suzanne Koven M.D. The topic of Authentic Listening has become even more important as we accelerate into healthcare innovation and system redesign. We have not yet moved the needle toward true meaningful […]

Patient Support, Engagement and Experience

On Wednesday April 3rd, The Beryl Institute will be holding it’s annual Patient Experience Conference #P2019 in Dallas TX. Back in 2015, Jason A. Wolf @jasonawolf, President of The Beryl Institute, and I decided to do a live #HCLDR chat from the floor of #PX2015. #hcldr chat live at #PX2015 starting in 1 minute! Special […]