Time For Change

Blog by Joe Babaian

Roads fork, things change, the spirit remains.

I won’t waste time burying the lede. We all know what a hugely different place Twitter is – and that’s all about change. We can’t control that. Colin and I have had a difficult time coming to terms with what’s best for #hcldr. The community will always be #hcldr, even for those not active weekly. It’s not *just* a chat. The vehicle is damaged, and we have decided to end #hcldr’s weekly Tweetchats at the end of October – Halloween!

We will have a series of goodbye chats over the next weeks – including all of you! These will be more free-form and we welcome anyone who has things to share in the blog (email/send us stuff!) or during the chats. We can talk about ideas for what’s next – we have no one great idea as of yet. We can talk about the future and the past!

#hcldr will continue to be an idea that connects all of us, don’t fear, Colin and I aren’t disappearing, we’ll be here – and – there! Email anything you wish to have included in the next set of chats/blogs to – [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Join us this time for one topic, the start of #hcldr’s last two months as a Tweetchat and what’s next!

Join us tomorrow, September 5, 2023 at 8:30p E for our weekly #hcldr chat!

Photo Credit – Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

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