Monthly Archives: September 2016

What to say when the wrong thing was said

This week on #hcldr we welcome special guest host – Sarah Greene @ResearchMatters. Sarah is an active participant in the #hcldr community and has some amazing insights into a variety of healthcare issues. She has chosen a fascinating topic for this week’s discussion – communication errors in healthcare. Blog post by Sarah Greene Good intentions […]

Ten Years of e-Patient Emergence

Blog post by “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart (Introduction by Colin Hung) Introduction We are very honored this week to welcome a very special guest on #hcldr. Dave deBronkart aka @ePatientDave is a globally recognized advocate for patients. His own medical experience propelled him use his voice, his passion and his determination to spur change in the way […]

Healthcare Marketing

Blog post by Colin Hung This week, I am traveling to attend the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) conference in the lovely city of Chicago – #SHSMD16. The conference starts on Sunday September 11th and runs until Wednesday September 14th. I will be live tweeting from the event using the #SHSMD16 hashtag. […]