Monthly Archives: March 2016
Gamification in Healthcare – Let’s Play!
Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD Playing a game is the voluntary effort to overcome unnecessary obstacles. -Bernard Suits Introduction Game-play focuses and controls our attention, taps into our innate strengths, thrills us utterly, and compels us to greater resilience in the attainment of more powerful and effective skills. For these reasons, some believe that […]
Accessing Your Medical Record – Then What?
Blog post by Colin Hung A few weeks ago I had the privilege of attending my 10th HIMSS conference in Las Vegas. Over the past few HIMSS, there has been a growing call for healthcare institutions and payers to provide patients open access to their medical records. As I was preparing for #HIMSS16 I started […]
Patient Advocacy & Digital Health
They say that if we want the foundation of what matters, look toward the truths of childhood. I agree! Dr. Seuss is one of my standbys for distilling things down to the essence of what we need to focus on. As healthcare spins faster and faster into the future, we all look for stability and […]