Author Archives: Colin Hung
FINAL HCLDR Tweetchat – October 31st 2023
On October 31st we will be hosting our final HCLDR tweetchat at 8:30pm ET. Although I am sad that the chat is ending, this is not goodbye. The HCLDR community will continue beyond the tweetchat – and at some point in the future may reconstitute on a different platform. The #hcldr tweetchat has lasted far […]
HCLDR Connections
As we march towards the final HCLDR Tweetchat on October 31st 2023, we are taking the opportunity to use these final chats to look back and reflect on what this community has achieved together. I thought this week we could share stories about the connections we have made through HCLDR. Join our chat on Tuesday […]
HCLDR Memory Lane
As we announced last week, we are winding down the HCLDR tweetchats. Our final Tuesday night chat will be October 31st. It has been a fantastic journey with this community. Joe, myself, and I suspect all former HCLDR hosts, are proud of how inclusive and supportive this community has become. Even though the tweetchats are […]
Refusing to Treat a Patient
I was listening to talk radio the other day and somehow the discussion turned to a personal story that the host had heard from their friend [Note: I was unable to verify this story as it did not make any headlines]. The short version was that a Canadian primary care physician refused to care for […]
Clinical Fatigue + Healthcare Attention Fatigue
In honor of Nightingale’s passing 113 years ago, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss the topic of fatigue in healthcare – both from a clinical perspective and metaphorical standpoint. #hcldr
Where is Innovation Happening in Healthcare?
There is a question that has been on my mind recently and it has to do with innovation in healthcare. A friend of mine who works in a different industry asked me “So where is innovation happening in healthcare?”. In response, I rhymed off several interesting products and organizations. After politely listening to me drone […]
Is it Time to Set a Standard for Patient Co-Design?
Over the past six months I have noticed more Health IT companies and healthcare organizations using the term patient co-designed when referring to new product enhancements and internal projects. “This product was co-designed with patients” was especially prevalent in the presentations at the eHealth Conference I attended in Toronto (btw – those sessions were great). […]
What is Over-hyped and Under-hyped in Healthcare?
Over the long weekend (it was a holiday yesterday in Canada), I was doing a bit of cleaning and I stumbled across an old brochure that I had taken from a company who was building a blockchain based patient engagement solution. This brochure was from about 6 years ago when the hype around blockchain had […]
Looking Beyond the Weekly Tweetchat
Is it time for HCLDR to expand beyond Twitter to find new ways to engage the healthcare community?