Monthly Archives: May 2013
May 28 Chat – The Nurses Juggling Act
The Nurse’s Juggling Act: When the ‘H’ in Hospital Stands for Health, Hotel, and Harried. Theresa Brown, BSN, RN, OCN “I hate not being able to do the little things for patients,” a nurse told me one day. “I hate being that busy.” I know the feeling. The little things can be huge because they […]
#HCLDR Chat – May 21 2013 – Good People
“Good people are so hard to find” In both our personal and professional lives, there is no greater challenge than finding “good people” to surround ourselves with. When we were children our parents told us about the importance of having good friends. When we got into high school, college and university we learned how important […]
#HCLDR Chat – May 14 2013 – Music+Medicine: The intersection between story & science
As a health and science writer for The New York Times, and author of the book Island Practice, I am fascinated by the intersection of science and anecdote, by the way that something that initially seems to be a serendipitous occurrence can open the door to discoveries of new and effective medical approaches. One recent […]
#HCLDR Chat – May 7 2013 – Physician Burnout
Physician burnout is reported at an all time high. In August 2012, a study printed in JAMA:Internal Medicine cited a 10% higher rate of burnout than the general population, with those of us in primary care being among the highest at risk.[1] Medscape produced a similar study in March of this year with nearly 40% […]