Monthly Archives: November 2013

Nov 26th Chat – Thanksgiving, The Perfect time to Engage with Grace.

Blog post by Lisa Fields This week is Thanksgiving in the United States. We thought it’d be fun to use this holiday theme for this week’s #HCLDR, much like we did last month when we had a Thanksgiving chat with our Canadian friends (they celebrate about a month earlier).  Please join us Tuesday November 26th […]

Nov 19th Chat – Disclosures for Tweet Chats – The Good, Bad and Ugly

Intro by Colin Hung This week on #HCLDR, we are excited to welcome Matthew Katz (@subatomicdoc) and Patricia Anderson (@pfanderson) as guests. Matthew has been working on an interesting initiative called #HLTHTOP – where tweets and other resources are categorized so that it is easier for patients, caregivers, providers and researchers to find information. The […]

Nov 12th Chat – Media + Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung Over the past week, those of us who live in the Toronto (Ontario, Canada) region have been inundated with stories and articles about Toronto’s mayor – Rob Ford. The story is so tragic/incredible/sensational that it has been picked up by press outlets all around the world – in the UK, […]

Nov 5th Chat – The Bunjee Jump (Medical Version)

Blog post by Gia Sison. Intro by Colin Hung. Last week we were privileged to have Dr. Gia Sison as our guest on #HCLDR, It was an amazing and educational chat – one that will be remembered by Lisa and I for a long time. You can read the transcript of that chat here (courtesy […]