Monthly Archives: July 2019
Technology + Aging in Place
Blog post by Colin Hung Over the past several weeks, I had the opportunity to meet with several entrepreneurs who have created applications and devices to help people age in place. Some of them have brilliant solutions, others are in the “go-back-to-the-drawing-board category”. However, there was one glaring oversight by all but one of these […]
How do we change the way we educate physicians to better use health information technology?
Blog post by Dr. Aviv Schachak @AvivShachak On July 9 on #hcldr we will be hosted by Dr. Aviv Shachak, lead author of “Educational approaches for improving physicians’ use of health information technology”. Aviv is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation as well as the Faculty of Information at […]
Foreign Impact on Healthcare
Blog post by Colin Hung This past week there were two stories that captured my attention. One involved China and the US, the other Canada and the US. Given that the next #hcldr chat falls between Canada Day and US Independence Day, I thought it would be fun to explore them with the community. US […]