Monthly Archives: April 2017

Healthcare Data Access, Ownership, and Does It Matter?

Blog post by Joe Babaian This month I was privileged and honored to be a part of the Dell EMC Healthcare #TransformHIT Think Tank in Phoenix. Check out the live-stream recording of the session for an informative and lively discussion covering Consumerism in Healthcare, Precision Medicine, and Big Data/AI in Healthcare. Being part of such an […]

Disruptive Innovation vs Incremental Improvement

Blog post by Colin Hung This week I am hosting both the #hcldr and #HITsm weekly tweetchats. A couple of years ago, #hcldr and #HITsm held joint chats on a specific topic – one that was applicable to both communities. I thought it would be fun to do it again. Over the past few months […]

Reaching Critical Mass: Precision Medicine’s Ascendancy

Blog by Joe Babaian It’s about looking at the patient as a unique individual, that’s precision medicine, the future ~ @RasuShrestha Less than 20% of US Hospitals have deployed precision medicine solutions. ~ @HIMSSAnalytics I’ve been considering the inexorable forward momentum of the blurred combination of technology and healthcare. You feel it. Things are speeding up. […]

Commoditization of Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung This week I will be attending the annual Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference (#HITMC) in Las Vegas NV. #HITMC is one of the conferences I look forward to the most – it is one the few opportunities to network with #HealthIT marketing peers without the pressure of having to […]