Monthly Archives: June 2019

Healthcare Social Media 2019

Blog post by Colin Hung This week on #hcldr we are going to revisit an always-popular chat topic – social media. Using social media to connect, stay informed and find professional opportunities is second nature to members of the #hcldr and other online communities (#pinksocks, #HITSM, #bcsm, #HITMC, etc). We have all drank the proverbial […]

Toward Population Health: Rethinking the Mission of Health Systems

Blog post by Brian Castrucci @BrianCCastrucci There are simply far too many people dying too soon from illness that we know how to prevent.  We have long turned to medical care as a savior to improve our health, but the medical model, which was so effective in ameliorating acute disease, is, by itself, incapable of […]