Monthly Archives: August 2023

Refusing to Treat a Patient

I was listening to talk radio the other day and somehow the discussion turned to a personal story that the host had heard from their friend [Note: I was unable to verify this story as it did not make any headlines]. The short version was that a Canadian primary care physician refused to care for […]

Confidence in Science

Blog post by Joe Babaian It’s the kind of mistrust of science because science is viewed as authority. And there’s a lot of anti-authority feeling. I think that’s the kind of thing that drives the anti-vaxxers, the people who don’t believe the science of vaccination and don’t want to get their children vaccinated. It’s all […]

Clinical Fatigue + Healthcare Attention Fatigue

In honor of Nightingale’s passing 113 years ago, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss the topic of fatigue in healthcare – both from a clinical perspective and metaphorical standpoint. #hcldr

Speed In Healthcare

 Blog post by Joe Babaian “How did it get so late so soon?” ― Dr. Seuss Who doesn’t want it now? We live in the now; technology gives us the feeling, and often the reality, that everything is a click away – even health and wellness. The current state of “now” medicine is changing almost daily […]