Monthly Archives: February 2014

How might we use design to improve healthcare? – Feb 25, 2014 chat

On Tuesday February 25th we are trilled to have Dr. Joyce Lee MD, MPH with us. Joyce is a pediatrician and diabetes specialist, researcher, and design thinker. We’ve been looking forward to her being our guest for Healthcare Leaders. She took the time to really learn more about our community and even was kind enough […]

Behavioral Health Integration and Hospital Readmissions – Feb 18 chat

Blog post by Lisa Fields This week’s #HCLDR chat features a guest host: Steven Daviss, MD, DFAPA, is President & Founder of FUSE Health Strategies, CMIO of M3 Information, and former Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center. You may know him as @HITShrink on Twitter. We are honored […]

Privacy vs Health. Would you make the trade? – Feb 11th Chat

Blog post by Colin Hung A colleague of mine recently got a new FitBit Force™ the latest activity and fitness tracker. I was amazed at both the style and function of the product. It’s simply incredible what it monitors – sleep, steps, calories burned and even eating habits. The most fascinating feature was how you […]

Feb 4th Chat – The Journey to Patient Centered Care

Blog post by Morgan Gleason. Intro by Lisa Fields. Like so many of us, I was struck by YouTube I am the patient and I need to be heard video filmed by Amy Gleason for her daughter Morgan. My first thought was how tired Morgan looked as she told us how difficult it had been […]