Monthly Archives: August 2013

Aug 27th Chat – Patient Safety Continued

Blog post by Colin Hung Last week we had a record-breaking #HCLDR chat on the topic of medical mistakes and how we can talk about them more openly. We were very honored to have Dr. Brian Goldman as a special guest and the chat was expertly led by Lisa Fields. You can view a transcript of […]

Aug 20th chat- Doctors Make Mistakes. Can we talk about that?

Blog post by Lisa Fields. Questions: T1: What stops health professionals from talking more openly,at work,about their mistakes? T2: Regarding mistakes, which do health professionals feel more ashamed about: their own mistakes or those of their colleagues? T3: As Healthcare Leaders, what is one thing you think would make a difference in reducing preventable errors? […]

August 13th chat – Patient Feedback

Post by Colin Hung High performing operating cultures are continually striving for improvement. Continuous improvement requires continuous feedback – candid, timely, honest, constructive. – University of California, Berkley Healthcare needs high performing teams. High performing teams not only need feedback, but strong leaders to create an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon. Open […]

Aug 6th Chat – What have @NPRscottSimon’s Tweets Taught us as Healthcare Leaders

Post by Lisa Fields **UPDATE – A visual Transcript of this chat is available here. Questions: T1: What has @nprscottsion’s Tweets taught you as a Healthcare Leader? T2: As Healthcare Leaders if you see Tweets coming from a patient or caregiver would you ever tweet education and/or resources? (Ex. If you see Tweets about pain […]