Monthly Archives: April 2015

The Annual Physical?

Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD The Argument: Ditch The Annual Every year, adults face the issues of is it “time to get a check up”? Do I really want to get my annual physical? Do I need to have a checkup? Well now, even your doctor is saying the same thing! A chorus of […]

Patient Experience, Health IT and Government

Blog post by Colin Hung Over the past two weeks I attended two amazing events: The Beryl Institute’s Patient Experience (#PX2015) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (#HIMSS15) conferences. At both #PX2015 and #HIMSS15 I had the honor and privilege of participating as a social media ambassador [the perfect excuse to tweet even […]

#HCLDR at #HIMSS15 : Discussing Health IT and the impact on patients

Blog post by Colin Hung Today marks the start of the annual meeting of Healthcare….Society (aka #HIMSS15). This year over 45,000 people are expected to descend upon McCormick place in Chicago for 5 days of meetings, discussions, keynotes, shaking hands and selfies (#HIMSSelfie). I absolutely love the HIMSS conference. I always come back with a […]

#HIMSS15 Mix Tape

Blog by Colin Hung Every year I look forward to the HIMSS conference – the annual gathering of the HealthIT industry in North America. The year’s event is being held in Chicago from April 13-16 and it should attract a record number of attendees. I’ve had the good fortune of being able to attend HIMSS […]

Patient Experience – A “New” and Lasting Healthcare Reality

Blog post by Jason A. Wolf PhD,  President, The Beryl Institute I have written for a while now that while some may have believed patient experience was a passing idea in the midst of a chaotic healthcare marketplace or even a fad, I believe and remain steadfast in the idea that patient experience is not a […]