Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Nature of Online Communities

Blog post by Colin Hung On Wednesday February 25th 2015 in Toronto, #hcldr is teaming up with 2 other online communities – Healthcare Social Media Canada (#hcsmca) and Evening Rounds (#eRounds) – for a healthcare community meetup (#hccmty). More details can be found here: For those of you not in Toronto who would like […]

Innovation at the front lines of healthcare

Blog post by AJ Montpetit Fostering innovation is a primary focus for most organizations but especially those in healthcare. One of the best sources for new healthcare innovations is front-line staff – the proverbial boots-on-the-ground employees. However, in order to tap into their creativity, organizations need to find ways to provide employees with “thinking time” […]

MDs + Social Media. What do we want and why?

Blog by Bryan Vartabedian MD. [Introduction by Colin Hung.] This week on #hcldr we are excited to have a healthcare social media star as a guest – Bryan Vartabedian, MD (aka @Doctor_V). Dr. Vartabedian is considered one of health care’s influential voices on social technology and medicine. He has served as a consultant to a […]

A Beautiful Question: Questioning in Healthcare

Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD A person skilled in the art of questioning is a person who can prevent questions from being suppressed by the dominant opinion. – Hanz-Georg Gademer It was just after New Years 2015 when an an article by Warren Berger entitled “Forget Resolutions, Whatʼs Your Beautiful Question” caught my eye. In it […]