Monthly Archives: November 2016

Powerful or Powerless in Healthcare?

Blog post by Colin Hung “Knowledge is power” – Francis Bacon It’s the week after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, so a short #hcldr blog is just what we need to ease back into the regular routine. 🙂 Last week a headline from HealthcareScene caught my eye and it stuck with me: “Do You […]

Moving Patients to Partners

Blog by Asim Masood (Introduction by Colin Hung) We are really excited to welcome special guests from Canada Health Infoway this week on #hcldr: Asim Masood @HikarambaAsim, Chief Medical Officer, Canada Health Infoway Shelagh Maloney @12Maloney, VP, Canada Health Infoway Christina Wong @christinajwong, Canada Health Infoway Annette McKinnon @anetto, Patient Advisor at Canada Health Infoway […]

Health Financing, Universal Pharmacare & Getting Value for $$$ Spent in Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung There are a lot of appealing things about Canada. Four distinct seasons, a wealth of natural resources, ruggedly beautiful landscapes and a welcoming people. But perhaps one of the most unique aspects of Canada (at least for our American friends), is our universal healthcare system that is funded with public […]

Keep’n it Real in Healthcare Advertising

Blog post by Colin Hung It’s in our biology to trust what we see with our eyes. This makes living in a carefully edited, overproduced and photoshopped world very dangerous. –Brene Brown Next Tuesday (November 8th) is election day in the US. Four years ago in 2012, we made the decision not to hold a […]

Being Poor Makes You Sick or How the Social Determinants of Health Matter More than Ever

When a flower doesn’t bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.            ~ Unknown We’re all busy. We all care – at least I like to think so. Most of us are working on our passions (or working on our own health), including #DigitalHealth innovation, better patient […]