Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Future of Physician Practices After COVID-19

In many parts of the US and Canada, physician offices have reopened and are seeing patients again. After a long 3 months in lock-down patients and physicians alike are happy to be able to have appointments again – even at reduced capacity and with new safety measures in place. Both the American Medical Association and […]

Developing and Deploying Clinical Practice Guidelines

Next week, we are teaming up with the Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders @CCHL_CCLS on a tweetchat that will explore clinical practice guidelines in a pandemic. There are two aspects that we plan to discuss. First, we will be discussing clinical practice guidelines themselves. What are these? According to the American Academy of Family Physicians […]

Things Will Never Be the Same. Or will they?

This chat was originally scheduled for Tuesday June 2nd, but in recognition of everything happening in the world right now, we decided to not go forward with it on that day. We joined many in the #hcldr community in support of #BlackOutTuesday – a time to stop pushing our own agenda/promotions on social media so […]