Monthly Archives: March 2023
What is the Ideal Patient Discharge Experience?
There is a saying that the last impression you make is the lasting one. Put another way, it means that your wonderful meal can be ruined by having to wait 20 minutes for your check to arrive. Since that is the case, healthcare providers should spend more time and energy improving their discharge experiences. Over […]
Being Perfect In Healthcare
Blog post by Joe Babaian Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well. ~ Shakespeare The best is the enemy of the good. ~ Voltaire Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. ~ Confucius Now more than ever, the people of healthcare shine with their hard work AND successes. We still see […]
Human factors in healthcare information technology design and deployment: What do we need to know?
Human factors has been largely ignored by healthcare information technology over the past few decades. In our rush to automate, vendors and software designers did the minimum to make their products usable. However, as staff challenges rock the healthcare industry, greater attention is being paid to the impact that technology has on staff. Human factors […]