Monthly Archives: October 2015

Healthcare beyond borders: A talk with Médecins Sans Frontières

Blog post by Michael Lawson, MSF Canada.  Chat Tonight, Tue, 10/27, 830p E – Join in! Support for this blog and #hcldr project by:  Wendy Lai, Wayne Leung, Isabelle Jeanson, and Chris Houston, all Médecins Sans Frontières Canada Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization that focuses on providing […]

Weird Pairings – A Collaboration with #ILN15

Blog post by Colin Hung On Tuesday October 27th the Innovation Learning Network (ILN) is hosting a Twitter Party at their event (#ILN15) being held in in Toronto, Ontario. This party will feature a special #hcldr chat, hosted by yours truly, and will be an online extension of the #ILN15 theme: Weird Pairings and Engineered Random […]

Tribes & Silos: Let’s Chat!

Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD     Chat Transcript from 10/20: The point is to be together, to mix our differences – @Bionicohand at @iMaginationCtr Introduction During the #HCLDR chat conversation on ‘Positive Deviance” that was held on October 6th, 2015,  (blog post by Colin Hung and transcript) an astute comment was made by Dr. […]

Coping with Death in Healthcare

  Blog post by Joseph Babaian    Chat Transcript from 10/13: Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light. – Dylan Thomas I scrapped my planned blog this week at the last moment. Why? I read an inspiring call from my good friend @CancerGeek – […]

Positive Deviance in Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung Over the past several weeks I’ve had the privilege of attending several healthcare events including Stanford’s Medicine X (#MedX) and Mayo Innovation’s Transform (#txfm). Both these conferences featured a unique blend of panel discussions and keynote speakers. It was incredibly inspirational and educational to be in the audience. The speakers […]