Monthly Archives: June 2014

Fighting Fatigue in Healthcare

Blog post by Colin Hung Next week is the unofficial start to summer here in North American – with Canada Day falling on July 1st and Independence Day on July 4th. These holidays represent the mid-point of the calendar year and is the first chance for many to take a break and get away from […]

Losing Marbles: Our Dementia Epidemic

Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD All of us have personally known or heard the familiar drill. Dad couldnʼt find his way home. Mom didnʼt recognize her best friend. More and more memory lapses are occurring. Thereʼs a kitchen mishap. Finally the trip to family doc with the dreaded questions: Is It Alzheimerʼs? Is It Dementia? The answer […]

Laughter + Medicine

Blog post by Colin Hung Last week’s #hcldr chat on Emotional Support For Patients, Families and Clinicians After An Adverse Event featured special guests Linda K Kenney (@lindakkenney) and Winnie Tobin (@wntobin). Both are from the MITSS organization out of Boston which helps healthcare providers implement programs to help people after an error has occurred. […]

Emotional Support for Patients, Families, and Clinicians Following Adverse Events

Blog post by Winnie Tobin & Linda Kenney Even in the safest of healthcare systems things can, and often do, go wrong.  Just ask Linda Kenney.  Linda’s story began in 1999 when she nearly died as the result of an anesthesia mishap.  A routine orthopedic surgery scheduled at a large academic medical center went wrong […]