Monthly Archives: December 2022

Looking back at healthcare in 2022

Can you believe that we’ve reached the end of 2022? This year has been a truly unique one. At times this year has felt like it would never end – like when travel restrictions were still in place at the beginning of the year. At other times, I felt like I blinked and a month […]

In This Together – Don’t Give Up

Blog Post by Joe Babaian “Don’t give up” is my message today to you! We are facing unprecedented world strife reigniting more than kindles of the Cold War, our loved #Twitter literally falling about from within, and increased attacks on – just about everyone not firmly rooted in a powerful push for groupthink. You KNOW […]

The Importance of Community in Healthcare

There is no escaping the head-scratching news coming from the executive offices of Twitter. It is a lesson on how not to handle a change in ownership. Every day companies and high-profile celebrities are announcing their departure from the platform. It’s a sad time for those of us who have found friends and sense of […]