Monthly Archives: May 2022

Climate Change + Children’s Health

On the next HCLDR Tweetchat we welcome special guest hosts: Children’s Healthcare Canada @ChildHealthCan and UNICEF Canada @UNICEFCanada They will be leading us in a fascinating discussion about the impact of climate change on children’s health. Lisa Wolff, Director of Policy and Research at UNICEF Canada along with Emily Gruenwoldt, President & CEO at Children’s […]

Healthcare Memorials and Monuments

Next weekend is the Memorial Day holiday in the US. It is a time to mourn for US military personnel who died while serving. It is a day when people visit cemeteries and monuments to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by brave men and women. Last year, ahead of this holiday, the HCLDR Community […]

Nobody told me there’d be days like these

The following is a guest post from Dr. Lonn Myronuk – the Clinical Documentation Physician Informatics Lead at Island Health. He is also a Consulting Psychiatrist at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (since 1998), a Peer Mentor for the Practice Support Program since 2013 and a Clinical Instructor at the University of British Columbia Faculty of […]

The Last Mile in Healthcare

Blog by Joe Babaian In healthcare, the last mile is the link between you and the healthcare network touch point – where care is delivered – the entire healthcare system of people, services, goods, and organizations. This last mile can be as simple and critical as a ride to the clinic or as complex as the smooth exchange […]