Monthly Archives: December 2014

Looking Back in order to Look Ahead

Blog post by Colin Hung Our next #hcldr chat on Tuesday December 23rd, will be the final one for 2014. There will not be a chat on December 30th – we’re taking a one week break. 🙂 For our final 2014 chat, I think it is appropriate to ask the wonderful #hcldr community for thoughts, […]

A Roadmap for Patient and Family Engagement

Blog post by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and American Institutes for Research As the U.S. health care system tackles the Triple Aim of better experiences of care, better population health and lower costs, it is imperative for health professionals to meaningfully partner with patients and families—bringing patient and family voices to decisions about care, […]

Do we have patient engagement backwards?

Blog post by Leonard Kish We hear a lot about patient engagement, including from me, but have we been getting it backwards? Patients are looking for answers, they’re looking for advice, it’s just that there is too little access, increasing out of pocket costs and too often little ability to “Do It Yourself”, but DIY […]