Monthly Archives: October 2022

Ending Patient Volunteerism. How can Patients be Compensated?

Should patients be compensated for participating in research, studies, and advisory counsels? The simple answer is yes. Not only is it the ethical thing to do, it also will help improve health equity AND healthcare overall. Why? Because patient volunteerism (not paying patients) means that only people who can afford the time and expense will […]

How Do We Cut Through COVID Fatigue This Winter?

There is absolutely no doubt that we are tired of COVID-19. After three long years of lockdowns, political wrangling, physical distancing, and nightly virus statistics, all of us would like nothing more than to put the pandemic in the rear-view mirror. But COVID-related hospitalizations are climbing and deaths have started to inch up as well. […]

Dementia and Healthcare’s Dilemma

Blog post by Joe Babaian Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today. ― Amy Leigh Mercree Talking about dementia, elder care, and the journey toward the end of life is not easy but it doesn’t have to be […]

Where Have All the Patients Gone?

Hospitals and practices in the US are struggling. Many large and prominent health systems have reported large quarterly/yearly losses. While some of those losses are due to investments in the stock market, most are showing an operating loss due in part to a decrease in patient volumes. The question I have: Where have all the […]