Monthly Archives: November 2020

Immunity Passport – Great Idea or Hard Pass?

Amid the terrible surge in COVID-19 cases around the world, there has been encouraging news about the potential vaccines that may be available in the next few months. Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca are working hard to ship their vaccine before the end of the year. These vaccines will be key in the battle against the […]

Children’s Health

November 16-22 is Digital Health Week in Canada. To help mark this special week, we are teaming up with Children’s Healthcare Canada for a special HCLDR tweetchat on Tuesday November 17th at 8:30pm ET (for your local time click here). The topic they have chosen is one that is near and dear to every parent’s […]


Welcome back to #hcldr. Last week, we took a break because it was Election Day in the US…which ultimately turned into Election Week. As I watched the 24/7 coverage, one question kept rolling through my mind: Where can I get one of those interactive TVs? But in all seriousness, the 2020 US Election was wholly […]