Monthly Archives: November 2021

Driving Digital Health Literacy

On the next HCLDR tweetchat we welcome a team from Canada Health Infoway as guest hosts. Angela Jonsson and Haley Armstrong will be leading us in a discussion about digital health literacy – a prerequisite for equitable and accessible care in the future. They have written an excellent blog to help set up the chat. […]

Thanks + Gratitude: An HCLDR Thanksgiving Chat

This week is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and so we are having our traditional “giving thanks” chat on HCLDR. It has once again been a very tough year for many of us…but unlike 2020, the cloud of COVID is slowly dissipating. A year ago we did not yet have ready access to the […]

Is Remote Monitoring an Intrusion?

One of the things I get to do is mentor and coach healthcare entrepreneurs. I really enjoy it. Plus it allows me to keep up-to-date on the latest innovations. Lately, I have seen a lot of companies building technology to help people stay safe and recover at home. It’s definitely full-steam ahead for the care-at-home […]

Health Equity + Telemedicine

This week on HCLDR we welcome two very special guest hosts: Stacy Hurt @stacy_hurt and Andrew Watson, MD @arwmd They will be leading us in a discussion on health equity + telemedicine. This chat will be in conjunction with #TelemedNow. Please join us on Tuesday November 2nd at 8:30pm ET (for your local time click […]