Monthly Archives: November 2018

Has Telehealth’s Time Finally Arrived?

The Center for Connect Medicine’s Top of Mind for Top Health Systems 2019 research illuminates industry optimism for telehealth. Blog via The Center for Connected Medicine The Center for Connected Medicine conducted research with the Health Management Academy to uncover insights from health systems on IT priorities for the year ahead. The Top of Mind […]

Healthcare Pioneers

Blog post by Colin Hung. In past years, the HCLDR chat that has fallen right before the Thanksgiving holiday in the US has been on the topic of giving thanks. This year, I thought we do something a little different, yet still centered on a Thanksgiving theme. When US Thanksgiving rolls around, I find myself […]

The Benefits of and Barriers to Digitally-Enabled Patient-Centred Care

Next week is Digital Health Week in Canada (November 12-18) and #hcldr is going to be joining in the activities by having a discussion about #DigitalHealth on Tuesday November 13th at 8:30pm ET (for your local time click here). We have special guest hosts from Canada Health Infoway, who have written the following blog to […]