Monthly Archives: January 2014

Jan 27th Chat – Controversies Surrounding Brain Death

Blog post by Chris Carroll, MD (#HCLDR Guest) The death of any person is tragic, even more so when that person is a child. Recently, there has been significant media coverage of the case of Jahi McMath, a 13-year old girl who according to news reports, underwent medical procedures to try to improve her obstructive sleep […]

Jan 21st Chat – Strengthening the Provider-Patient Relationship

Blog post by Colin Hung I am guilty of something that I’m embarrassed to admit – I have a better relationship with the couple where I take my dry cleaning than I do with my primary care physician. Isn’t that horrible? I’m in the healthcare IT business and yet I’ve never tried to have a […]

Jan 14th Chat – Do you see what I see? Healthcare leaders demonstrating leadership in their tweets

Blog post by Lisa Fields Healthcare leader (#HCLDR) is the only tweet chat I know of out of 163 Healthcare Tweet Chats listed by Symplur that include the word “leadership” in their title. When we first began our tweet chat there was some confusion because we simply took it for granted that people would consider […]

Jan 7th Chat – Resolutions, Focus and Goals – Oh My!

Blog post by Colin Hung At the end of every year at least one of the local television stations airs “The Wizard of Oz”. It’s a holiday tradition. I never manage to sit through the entire movie (too many repeated viewings as a child), but I always seem to catch the part where Dorothy, Scarecrow, […]