As we announced last week, we are winding down the HCLDR tweetchats. Our final Tuesday night chat will be October 31st.
It has been a fantastic journey with this community. Joe, myself, and I suspect all former HCLDR hosts, are proud of how inclusive and supportive this community has become. Even though the tweetchats are coming to an end, we hope to keep the community going in another form.
In the meantime, between now and October 31st is the HCLDR “farewell tour”. We hope that many members of the community will drop back in to reconnect and share memories, thoughts, and suggestions. The chats will be less structured and more free-flowing…HOWEVER…this week, I thought it would be fun to go down memory lane and talk about some of the fond memories we have of the HCLDR chats and community.
Please join Joe and I on Tuesday September 12th at 8:30pm ET (for your local time click here) when we will reminisce about past HCLDR chats, meetups, and online discussions.
- Is there a tweetchat topic that stands out for you?
- What was it like to meet a member of the HCLDR community in-person for the first time?
- Who have you not yet met IRL from the HCLDR community that you would like to?
- Share pictures of your HCLDR meetups!
Can’t wait to join the community in this next tweetchat!
Photo credit: Photo by 김 대정: