Monthly Archives: July 2015

Healthcare Trade-offs

Blog by Colin Hung I am a baseball fan. I love playing the game and I love watching it (though sadly I’ve done more of the latter than the former in recent years). For fans of Major League Baseball, July 31st marks the mid-summer trade deadline. It is the last day that teams can trade […]

Quadruple Aim: Care of the Provider

Blog post by Bernadette Keefe MD and Matthew Katz MD The classic ‘triple aim’ for healthcare is a framework developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) that describes an approach to optimizing health system performance. IHI asserts that new designs must be developed to simultaneously pursue three dimensions which we call the ‘Triple Aim’: […]

New Systems – The Future of Hospitals & Institutions

Blog by Dave Chase, Leonard Kish and Colin Hung On Tuesday June 9th, the #HCLDR community gathered to discuss “The New Health Ecosystem” based on the #95Theses work of two healthcare luminaries: Dave Chase and Leonard Kish. [Note: if you missed that chat you can read the highlights on our Storify Summary]. Both Kish and […]

The Connected Cancer Patient: Future Vision and Recommendations

Blog post by Janet Freeman-Daily, Corrie Painter, and Stacey Tinianov The March 14 #HCLDR Chat “Data Sharing for Research & Care” was so helpful in gathering inputs for the March 26 President’s Cancer Panel (PCP) workshop that the PCP decided they wanted another tweetchat prior to the July 9 workshop.  The PCP 2014-15 workshop series, Connected […]