Monthly Archives: May 2020
Reclaiming the Space Between Visits
As we know, much of health and indeed healthcare happens outside the four walls of your physician office or hospital. It happens at home, while you are walking in the park, or in line at the grocery store (6ft apart of course). The space between visits is our time…but how to do we reclaim it? […]
Developing educational programs to deliver precision medicine in Canada
Next week on HCLDR we welcome another set of guest hosts from Canada – the Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders @CCHL_CCLS and David Anderson, PhD @DaveAnd75644259 They will lead us in a discussion on the topic of precision medicine – specifically how it can be better incorporated into medical education and healthcare in general. Please […]
Imagine what Nightingale might have achieved with an EHR
We are honored this week to have 4 guest authors and guest hosts for the next HCLDR: Peggy White, RN, BA, MN @_HOBIC Tracie Risling, RN, BA, BSN, MN, PhD @traciewashere Lynn Nagle PhD, RN, FAAN @LMNagle Glynda Rees, RN, BSN, MN @healthedtech Together they are bringing attention to and honoring nurses. Tuesday May 12, […]