Monthly Archives: January 2019


Blog post by Robert J. Mahoney, M.D., SFHM and Chuck Webster, M.D., M.S. Like to a bad physician Fallen sick, thou’rt out of heart: nor cans’t prescribe For thine own case the draught to make thee sound.                                – Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound Since […]

Addressing Inequalities in Access to Healthcare for Underserved Populations

Blog by the Canadian College of Health Leaders and Paul Gallant CHE On January 15 on #hcldr we are going coast-to-coast exploring the inequalities in accessing care for underserved populations. We will be joined by Paul Gallant, an advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples for more than thirty years, and the Principal of Gallant Healthworks […]

Resolutions, Trends and Social Media in 2019

Blog post by Colin Hung Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and are ready to make this year your best ever. I managed to take a couple of weeks off – first time in a long time – and I’m feeling very refreshed. 2019 is going to be a […]