Monthly Archives: February 2013

#HCLDR Chat – Feb 26 2013 – Patient Experience

Patient Experience – Tweetchat – February 26, 2013 In only a few short years, patients have become an important voice in healthcare decision making. Patients have moved from passive consumers to active participants. This shift has put an emphasis on the overall experience a patient has with a healthcare provider – and I believe that […]

#HCLDR Chat – Feb 19 2013 – Jack Andraka

Colin and I are delighted to have Mr. Jack Andraka with us as our first guest for Healthcare Leadership Tweet Chat. Jack has been in the news a lot lately – and for good reason – he has invented a revolutionary way to detect lethal pancreatic cancers. In his words Jack explains his research: “Last […]

#HCLDR Chat – Feb 12 2013 – Decisions

Decision-making is an important leadership skill. For healthcare leaders, decisions can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Thankfully most of the decisions we have to make day-to-day are not in the same vein (excuse the pun). This week’s tweetchat is on the topic of making good decisions. Mike Myatt wrote an excellent article […]