Monthly Archives: March 2022

Is Healthcare Hostile to Outsiders?

I have been meeting with a lot of company leaders lately and there is a question that has been floating around in my head that I would love to discuss with the HCLDR community: Are we too hostile to outsiders in healthcare? Jumping into Healthcare The COVID pandemic exposed a lot of gaps in healthcare […]

Healthcare Consumers or Pawns?

Blog post by Joe Babaian The pharma pricing system was not built on the idea of consumer engagement. It was built… on market efficiencies. It was not built on the premise of consumerism. ~ Heather Bresch, Former CEO Mylan Heather’s comment is striking and it’s emblematic of the entire healthcare system as we now know […]

How to fix the broken supply chain?

The following is a guest post from Anne Snowdon, PhD @DrAnneSnowdonRN and Nancy Pakieser @Pakieser They will be leading us in a discussion about healthcare’s supply chain – how broken it is and how we might fix it together. Join them on Tuesday March 15th at 8:30pm ET (for your local time click here). The […]

A Stranger in a Strange Land

The COVID pandemic is waning and public health authorities are removing restrictions. It is clear that we are moving towards an endemic approach to COVID-19. Mask mandates are ending along with capacity limits. Proof of vaccination is no longer required to gain entry in many places. It is a welcome return to “normal”…and yet I […]