Monthly Archives: June 2023

Patient Stories and Patient Voice in Media

Patient stories are important, but there are not many places where those stories to be seen, read or heard. There are a few patient-led sessions at conferences. Patients are sometimes guests on healthcare-related podcasts. Healthcare organizations post patient stories on their websites. I believe, however, that more can be done…I’m just not sure HOW this […]

Following the Leader

Blog Post By Joe Babaian Leadership isn’t just about being popular and it’s certainly not about being draconian, Steve Jobs’ legacy notwithstanding. Leadership is all about identifying the range of skills and passions in your organization and leveraging for the mutual good.  Balance is another sign of great leadership since we know we need more […]

Is it Time to Set a Standard for Patient Co-Design?

Over the past six months I have noticed more Health IT companies and healthcare organizations using the term patient co-designed when referring to new product enhancements and internal projects. “This product was co-designed with patients” was especially prevalent in the presentations at the eHealth Conference I attended in Toronto (btw – those sessions were great).  […]

Accessing Healthcare

Blog by Joe Babaian Healthcare access remains at the forefront of all we do. Of course, this conversation cannot begin without reminding ourselves of Atul Gawande’s original piece in the New Yorker, “Is Health Care A Right?” We all work toward both disruptive and sustaining innovation, changing and creating healthcare in ways we’re passionate about, and connecting with […]